Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a commitment to factual reporting. Donations help send journalists to the frontlines of unfolding events, ensuring a balanced perspective. The BBC is facing backlash over allegations against MasterChef host Gregg Wallace, who stepped back amid claims of inappropriate behavior towards staff. Despite complaints, future episodes of MasterChef are still scheduled to air as Wallace’s lawyers deny the accusations.
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‘Screams of hell await you’, victims’ father tells Kyle Clifford as crossbow killer jailed for life
Kyle Clifford has been jailed for life after murdering his ex-partner Louise, her sister Hannah, and their mother Carol. BBC racing commentator John Hunt condemned Clifford as "callous, cowardly, and vindictive", citing his extreme levels of misogyny. Clifford committed the brutal murders out of jealousy and spite, raping and killing Louise before also murdering her family members. Full Article
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