Babysitter pleads guilty to manslaughter for death of man she injured as a baby in 1984. The man, who was left with severe brain damage after being shaken by the babysitter as an infant, passed away in 2019 due to complications from his injuries. The babysitter’s guilty plea acknowledges her responsibility for his death, bringing closure to a tragic case spanning over three decades.
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He’s running Boston to honor the resilience of his grandparents
Jack Bradley, a participant in the 2025 Boston Marathon with Team With A Vision, shares his personal connection to the cause as he honors his legally blind grandparents and Great Aunty Marcie who inspired him with their resilience and values. Growing up surrounded by their determination and compassion, he started running in 2021 and found strength in their legacy, leading him to take on the marathon to support others facing vision loss challenges. Through his...
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