Your support enables The Independent to cover stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a commitment to factual reporting. Donations help fund on-the-ground reporters who provide unbiased coverage across the political spectrum, without paywalls. In sports news, Arsenal’s Mikel Arteta may pursue a striker like Ollie Watkins, while Aston Villa secures Marcus Rashford on loan. Other transfer deadline moves include Brighton’s Evan Ferguson to West Ham, Manchester City’s signings, and potential deals for players like Ben Chilwell and Carney Chukwuemeka.
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Evan Ferguson transfer: West Ham sign Brighton striker on loan until end of season | Football News
West Ham have signed striker Evan Ferguson on loan from Brighton until the end of the season, with Brighton receiving a significant loan fee and West Ham covering his wages. There is no option for West Ham to sign Ferguson permanently. Ferguson reunited with Graham Potter, his former coach at Brighton, and made his debut appearance for West Ham after returning from injury. Additionally, Brighton signed Nurnberg striker Stefanos Tzimas for £20m, with Tzimas remaining...
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