Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a commitment to factual reporting. Donations help fund journalists to provide balanced coverage and ensure quality journalism is accessible to all. A recent incident involving a suspicious item on a beach in Cumbria turned out to be a harmless loudspeaker, highlighting the importance of public safety measures in handling such situations.
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Jailed without hope: Ministers block 128 prisoners on indefinite jail terms from moving to open conditions
In the past year, the government has blocked 128 prisoners serving abolished Imprisonment for Public Protection (IPP) sentences from moving to open conditions despite Parole Board recommendations, sparking outrage from politicians and campaigners. More than 2,600 inmates are still trapped under these indefinite jail terms, with some shocking cases such as James Lawrence, Thomas White, and Abdullahi Suleman highlighting the injustices of the system. At least 90 IPP prisoners have tragically taken their own lives...
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