Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, ensuring that facts are distinguished from messaging. Donations help maintain on-the-ground reporting, with a trusted reputation across the political spectrum and a commitment to accessible journalism without paywalls. With Tyson Fury’s retirement potentially opening the door for a long-awaited fight between Anthony Joshua and Deontay Wilder, boxing fans await the next chapter in the heavyweight division.
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Fantasy Basketball Midseason Report: Biggest surprises — and will they keep it up?
In the Yahoo Sports Fantasy Basketball Midseason Report, several players have outperformed their Average Draft Positions, including Tyler Herro, Josh Hart, Norman Powell, Payton Pritchard, and Dyson Daniels. Herro has excelled in scoring and efficiency for the Miami Heat, while Hart has provided consistent production for the New York Knicks. Powell has thrived with increased usage on the Los Angeles Clippers, and Pritchard has emerged as a key player for the Boston Celtics. Daniels is...
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