Your support allows The Independent to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a commitment to factual reporting and analysis. With donations, journalists can continue to provide unbiased coverage on critical issues during this pivotal time in US history. Additionally, a groundbreaking sports diplomacy deal between Australia and Papua New Guinea will see a Papua New Guinea team enter Australia’s National Rugby League by 2028, aiming to unify the nation and strengthen ties between the two countries.
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Fantasy Football Trust Meter: Will A.J. Brown course correct in the fantasy playoffs?
Fantasy analyst Dalton Del Don discusses the trustworthiness of A.J. Brown in the fantasy playoffs, noting his decreased volume but elite performance metrics, making him a high-end WR2 option despite the Eagles' run-heavy offense. Jordan Addison's recent surge in production and favorable matchups make him a reliable fantasy starter, while Adam Thielen's strong performance, improved quarterback play, and favorable schedule solidify his status as a trustworthy WR2 option. Jayden Reed's declining role and volume in...
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