Angelina Jolie’s ability to shine through limitations in both Marvel and Disney films is evident, with her captivating presence overcoming obstacles like digital effects and intellectual property restrictions. Despite these challenges, films such as “The Eternals” and “Maleficent” still showcase Jolie’s star power, though they adhere to certain guidelines. Watching Jolie navigate these constraints can be disheartening, yet her undeniable magnetism continues to captivate audiences.
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Minnesota Republicans to introduce bill defining 'Trump derangement syndrome' as mental illness
A group of Minnesota Republican lawmakers plan to introduce a bill defining "Trump derangement syndrome" as a mental illness, citing paranoia and hysteria towards President Trump's policies. The proposal, unlikely to pass with a split legislature, mirrors a term coined by Charles Krauthammer in 2003 to describe critics of George W. Bush, and is not recognized as a mental illness. President Trump and his supporters have used the term to criticize political opponents. Full Article
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