Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a commitment to providing unbiased reporting. Donations help fund journalists to cover both sides of the story, ensuring quality journalism is accessible to all. Tottenham manager Ange Postecoglou emphasizes his focus on playing entertaining football over pragmatism, despite mixed results this season, as Spurs aim to achieve success in the Premier League.
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'Locked in' Luka explodes as Lakers win in Denver
Dave McMenamin, Lakers and NBA reporter for ESPN, covered the Lakers and NBA for, the Cavaliers for, and the NBA for Luka Doncic led the Lakers to a 123-100 victory against the Denver Nuggets with 32 points, 10 rebounds, seven assists, and four steals, ending the Nuggets' winning streak and L.A.'s losing streak in Denver. Lakers coach JJ Redick praised Doncic's performance, emphasizing his importance in controlling the offense alongside LeBron James...
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