Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech developments. By donating, you help fund investigative journalism and documentary production, ensuring reporters can provide unbiased coverage from both sides. Former Wales player Adam Jones believes in Warren Gatland’s ability to lead the team despite their recent struggles, as they face a tough Six Nations opener against France in Paris.
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De’Aaron Fox laughs off Kings fan’s call out for getting Tyrese Haliburton traded and Mike Brown fired before imminent tradeÂ
De'Aaron Fox responded with amusement to a fan's criticism over the Sacramento Kings' handling of Tyrese Haliburton's trade and head coach Mike Brown's firing, as the guard is now a hot trade target. Despite rumors of his desire for a trade, Fox denied initiating talks and stated it was the Kings' decision. The San Antonio Spurs and Houston Rockets are reportedly interested in acquiring the $163M guard who is averaging 25.1 points and 6.2 assists...
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