The Aam Aadmi Party in Delhi announced ₹1,000 monthly for women under the Mahila Samman Yojana, with a promise to increase it to ₹2,100 if re-elected, sparking discussion on a similar unfulfilled pledge in Punjab. Despite financial constraints, Punjab faces challenges fulfilling the promise due to soaring power subsidy bills and revenue shortfall from sand mining, impacting budget allocations and causing delays in other commitments. While AAP defends its track record, the unmet promise of ₹1,000 per month in Punjab remains a contentious issue as the party gears up for future elections.
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Bangladesh to equip paramilitary border guards with sound grenades, tear gas
Bangladesh's interim government announced plans to equip the country's paramilitary border guards with non-lethal sound grenades and tear gas canisters, following India's lead. Home Affairs Adviser Jahangir Alam Chowdhury confirmed the decision, emphasizing the importance of enhancing the guards' capacity to maintain peace and respond quickly to emergencies. He assured that the border situation is stable and that there are no major problems at present. Full Article
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