Jack Bradley, a participant in the 2025 Boston Marathon with Team With A Vision, shares his personal connection to the cause as he honors his legally blind grandparents and Great Aunty Marcie who inspired him with their resilience and values. Growing up surrounded by their determination and compassion, he started running in 2021 and found strength in their legacy, leading him to take on the marathon to support others facing vision loss challenges. Through his journey, Jack seeks donations and shares to make a difference in the lives of those living with impaired vision.
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Minnesota Republicans to introduce bill defining 'Trump derangement syndrome' as mental illness
A group of Minnesota Republican lawmakers plan to introduce a bill defining "Trump derangement syndrome" as a mental illness, citing paranoia and hysteria towards President Trump's policies. The proposal, unlikely to pass with a split legislature, mirrors a term coined by Charles Krauthammer in 2003 to describe critics of George W. Bush, and is not recognized as a mental illness. President Trump and his supporters have used the term to criticize political opponents. Full Article
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