Reaffirming love for your child is crucial, separate from behavior discussions, as conditional love can lead to issues like low self-esteem and anxiety. When kids misbehave, it’s important to validate their feelings, empathize, and wait for calm before addressing the behavior. By focusing on discussing behavior and affirming unconditional love separately, parents can teach valuable lessons and promote healthy relationships with their children.
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These 4 Reddit Hacks For Getting Toddlers To Comply Are *Chef's Kiss*
Lobacheva Ina on Unsplash shares parenting hacks for dealing with toddlers who won't listen, including leaving healthy snacks in plain sight for them to eat, asking them to do tasks in a silly way to diffuse tantrums, and using chants like 'march, march!' to redirect their behavior. Calling tasks 'projects' can also motivate them to help with chores. These strategies have been found to be effective in managing toddler behavior and encouraging cooperation. Full Article
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