Your support allows The Independent to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a focus on separating facts from messaging. As a trusted news source that remains accessible to all, The Independent relies on donations to send reporters to the front lines of developing stories. The ICC’s decision to revive the Champions Trophy amidst criticism and logistical challenges showcases a focus on commercial interests over cricketing priorities, leading to a condensed tournament format with elite teams and potential hosting uncertainties.
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With Messi's backing, Inter Miami hired inexperienced Mascherano. Will it backfire?
Inter Miami's 2024 season ended with playoff elimination, but optimism was high after winning the Supporters' Shield and extending contracts for Messi and Suárez. Head coach Tata Martino's sudden resignation led to Javier Mascherano's appointment as the new coach, chosen for his previous discussions with the club's co-owner and his connection with Messi. Mascherano's quick hiring process included input from Messi, marking the first time the superstar has been explicitly involved in front office decisions....
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