The Independent relies on reader support to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a commitment to unbiased reporting. Your donation helps fund on-the-ground reporting and investigative journalism. Marks & Spencer CEO criticizes government tax policies, warning of financial strain on businesses due to rising National Insurance Contributions and packaging levies, calling for staggered changes and delayed implementation to prevent stifled growth. The National Audit Office report highlights the complexity of the tax system, costing millions extra to operate, with M&S boss urging the government to reconsider policies like the extended producer responsibility levy to avoid detrimental impacts on retailers and the economy.
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Leading contenders make their final appeals to German voters before a landmark election
In Germany's election, opposition leader Friedrich Merz vows to revive the economy and defend Europe's interests, while Chancellor Olaf Scholz hopes for a comeback. The campaign focuses on the economy and migration, with polls showing Merz's Union bloc leading over the far-right Alternative for Germany. Merz promises a strong voice for Germany in the EU, aiming to end the country's three years in opposition and make a comeback. Full Article
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