Your support of The Independent helps fund ground reporting on critical issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. Donations enable journalists to provide unbiased coverage for all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, without paywalls. A new report from the Resolution Foundation reveals ethnic minority families in the UK face higher housing costs and poorer living conditions, potentially due to discrimination and disparities in homeownership rates.
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Interest rates live: Bank of England set to cut interest rates in boost for mortgage holders
The UK's base interest rate is expected to drop to its lowest level in over 18 months, with analysts predicting a cut from 4.75% to 4.5% by the Bank of England in its upcoming announcement on Thursday. This decrease is seen as a positive development for mortgage holders, as the base rate influences borrowing costs, including tracker mortgages. The potential rate cut comes amidst falling inflation rates and economic stagnation, with hopes that lower interest...
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