Your support helps The Independent cover important stories like reproductive rights and climate change, with on-the-ground reporting and investigative journalism. Donations enable journalists to provide unbiased coverage for all Americans, regardless of political affiliation, without paywalls. Chelsea FC secured a 1-0 victory over Arsenal in the Women’s Super League, extending their lead at the top and aiming to finish the season unbeaten while pursuing multiple trophies.
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Collin Morikawa doubles down on criticism after skipping media at API
Collin Morikawa responded to criticism about his decision to decline speaking to the media after a tournament loss, stating that he doesn't owe anyone anything. Despite not being asked about the criticism on Friday, Morikawa addressed it during a press conference at the 2024 Players Championship, expressing frustration with former players and commentators who questioned his actions. The ongoing controversy surrounding Morikawa's post-tournament behavior continues to highlight tensions between professional golfers and the media, with...
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