West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee intervened when the Kolkata Police band was allegedly denied entry to Raj Bhavan during Republic Day celebrations, insisting they be allowed to perform. Banerjee expressed strong disapproval to Raj Bhavan officials, standing at the gate until the band was permitted inside. The Governor’s office clarified that the band was assigned a different space but was eventually given a suitable place to perform after Banerjee’s intervention.
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Mehbooba raises concerns over Waqf Amendment Bill in letter to NDA allies Nitish, Naidu
PDP chief Mehbooba Mufti has reached out to NDA allies Nitish Kumar and Chandrababu Naidu to prevent potential damage to national unity and communal harmony from the proposed Waqf Amendment Bill. She highlighted concerns about disenfranchisement and marginalization of Muslims, criticizing the lack of consultation and disregard for dissent notes from opposition parties regarding the bill. Mehbooba emphasized the need for genuine efforts to engage with the affected community and address the unconstitutional nature of...
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