In 2024, the restaurant industry faced a challenging year with closures of underperforming locations as chains sought to improve sales. Consumer spending on dining out decreased due to inflation, leading to a decline in overall restaurant visits and a surge in bankruptcies, with 26 restaurant companies filing for Chapter 11 protection. Casual-dining chains, in particular, struggled to attract customers as fast-casual chains gained popularity, impacting the industry’s landscape significantly.
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People Are Just Realising Power Rangers Isn't The Show They Thought It Was, And Woah
Eagle-eyed home cooks noticed that PYREX and pyrex are separate companies with different glass materials. The podcast Confused Breakfast revealed that Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers used footage from a Japanese series called Super Sentai, with only unmasked scenes being original. Haim Saban adapted the show for US audiences, incorporating both American and Japanese footage to create a culturally diverse viewing experience. Fans were surprised by the revelation, with some noting discrepancies in the show's production...
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