Beloved actor Angus MacInnes, known for his role as Gold Leader Jon “Dutch” Vander in the original “Star Wars” movie, passed away at the age of 77 on December 23. His family announced the sad news on Facebook, highlighting his extensive career in films like “Witness” and “Captain Phillips.” MacInnes was remembered as not only a talented actor but also a kind and generous soul who deeply appreciated his fans and the Star Wars community.
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Arizona death row inmate wants to be executed earlier than the state is planning
Arizona death row inmate Aaron Brian Gunches has requested the state Supreme Court to expedite his execution for the 2002 murder of Ted Price, urging for a mid-February date. The state had paused executions for two years to review procedures but faces challenges in preparation, including testing for the lethal injection. Despite delays and criticism, Gunches remains adamant that his death sentence is long overdue and should be carried out promptly. Full Article
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