Your donation to The Independent helps support their reporting on critical issues such as reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. The publication is known for its investigative journalism, covering stories like Elon Musk’s pro-Trump PAC and the documentary ‘The A Word’ highlighting American women fighting for reproductive rights. Your support enables The Independent to send reporters to cover all sides of the story, providing trustworthy news to Americans without paywalls. Additionally, an 18-year-old died in Sheffield after crashing a stolen car during a police chase, prompting an investigation by the Independent Office for Police Conduct.
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Labour preparing for private school closures after VAT raid on fees, suggest reports
Contingency plans are being made in Whitehall for a potential increase in demand for state school places, as private schools may close due to fee hikes. Smaller schools charging less in competitive areas are seen as the most at risk. Labour's removal of VAT exemption and business rates relief for private schools has sparked opposition, with the government estimating the tax will raise significant funds for state schools. Full Article
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