The Independent relies on reader support to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change, without paywalls. Your donation helps send journalists to report on critical issues. Manchester United is addressing a mice infestation at Old Trafford, leading to a drop in their food hygiene rating, as the club considers redevelopment options for the stadium amid criticism for lack of improvements.
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Lamar Jackson continues historic MVP push as Ravens manhandle Texans
Lamar Jackson continues his historic MVP push as he leads the Baltimore Ravens to a dominant 31-2 victory over the Houston Texans, showcasing his exceptional skills with two passing touchdowns and one rushing touchdown. Jackson's outstanding performance includes breaking Michael Vick's rushing record for quarterbacks and challenging the all-time single-season NFL passer rating record. Despite a strong case from Josh Allen, Jackson's remarkable season statistics and impact on the Ravens' success make him a deserving...
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