Bob Dylan, the legendary folk music icon known for his iconic lyrics and enigmatic persona, played a minimal role in the creation of his biopic “A Complete Unknown,” allowing the actors to shape the narrative. The film delves into his romantic relationships, with Timothee Chalamet portraying Bob, Monica Barbaro as Joan Baez, and Elle Fanning as Sylvie Russo, inspired by his ex Suze Rotolo. Dylan added a personal touch to a scene involving Bob and Sylvie, reflecting on past regrets and real-life arguments, as the film explores his complex emotions and relationships.
Eating This Much Fruit And Veg Is Linked To 42% Lower Risk Of Death, And It's Not 5 A Day
A University College London study found that eating seven or more portions of fruit and vegetables daily is linked to a 42% lower risk of mortality, with each portion reducing the risk of death by 16%. The WHO recommends consuming at least 400g of fruit and vegetables daily, with even one to three portions showing a significantly lower risk of mortality compared to consuming less than one. Researchers suggest increasing the amount of produce consumed...
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