The 2008 Gavin and Stacey Christmas special is a festive delight that follows the Shipman and West families as they prepare for their first Christmas together. The episode features memorable moments like Pam’s stance on Christmas cards, Nessa in the grotto, and Gavin and Smithy’s iconic sing-a-long. The show perfectly captures the quirks and chaos of the holiday season, making it a must-watch every December.
Love Actually's Casting Director Names 1 Main Actor Who Wouldn't Be Cast If The Film Were Made Now
Hugh Grant and Martine McCutcheon starred in the beloved Christmas film Love Actually, which has become a holiday tradition for many. The film's casting director Fiona Weir has mentioned that if the movie were made today, there would be significant changes, including casting a female prime minister. Director Richard Curtis has expressed regrets about certain aspects of the film, such as comments about McCutcheon's character's weight and the lack of diversity, but praised the authentic...
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