Your support enables The Independent to report on critical issues such as reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, providing in-depth coverage and investigative journalism. Your donation helps fund journalists on the ground, ensuring balanced reporting and access to quality news for all. In sports news, Manchester United faces Bournemouth in a crucial Premier League match, with Marcus Rashford’s future uncertain and Bournemouth looking to continue their winning streak.
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NFL scores, live updates: Vikings visit Seahawks in critical NFC matchup with playoff implications
In a critical NFC matchup with playoff implications, the 12-2 Minnesota Vikings visit the Seattle Seahawks, who are tied atop the NFC West and aiming for a division title. Both teams are eyeing a home game in the postseason and are eager to secure a win against tough opponents. In other Week 16 Sunday games, the 49ers face the Dolphins, the Bills host the Patriots, and the Buccaneers take on the Cowboys in Sunday Night...
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