The Independent relies on donations to support their investigative journalism, covering topics such as reproductive rights and climate change. With a commitment to providing quality journalism accessible to all, The Independent seeks to keep Americans informed at this critical moment in US history. Your contribution helps fund reporters on the ground to deliver unbiased reporting. Ofwat has announced a 36% increase in water bills over the next five years in England and Wales, with the funds allocated for a £104 billion upgrade of the water sector to benefit customers and the environment, despite facing criticism for the substantial hike in bills.
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A roundup of the latest news on Wednesday
In Spain, incessant rain persists with the arrival of Storm Konrad, affecting several provinces with heavy rain, strong winds, and snow. Buying a home in Spain now requires a family's entire income for over 6 years, with prices exceeding net incomes. The Barcelona branch of Spain's Popular Party suggests banning burqas in schools and health centers, while Air France-KLM and Lufthansa compete to acquire a stake in Spain's Air Europa, offering significant investments and debt...
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