In the latest episode of Yahoo Sports Data Dump Wednesday, Matt Harmon and Sal Vetri share 10 data points for Week 16 to help maximize fantasy lineups. Sal also highlights a selection of running backs worth stashing on your bench for their potential upside in the fantasy football postseason. This episode provides valuable insights for fantasy football managers gearing up for Week 16 and the playoffs.
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Ruben Amorim responds to Marcus Rashford comments on Manchester United future
Your support helps The Independent report on critical issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, providing in-depth coverage and investigations. Donations allow journalists to cover stories from both sides, ensuring quality journalism remains accessible to all. Manchester United manager Ruben Amorim expressed his support for Marcus Rashford to stay at the club, emphasizing the need for his talent to help the team succeed and reach their highest level of performance. Full Article
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