The Independent relies on donations to support their investigative reporting on important issues such as reproductive rights and Big Tech. Your contribution helps fund journalists on the ground to provide unbiased coverage. In other news, Manchester United is expected to decide between redeveloping Old Trafford or building a new stadium in 2025, with a majority of fans favoring a new stadium according to a recent survey. The decision will be made in collaboration with the Old Trafford Regeneration Task Force and local authorities.
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Chelsea top Champions League group with perfect record thanks to Catarina Macario double
The Independent relies on reader support to cover stories ranging from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, ensuring unbiased reporting and analysis accessible to all. Chelsea ended the Women’s Champions League group stages with a perfect record, overcoming Real Madrid 2-1 with Catarina Macario's two penalties. Despite an early lead by Real, Macario's impact off the bench secured Chelsea's victory and a spot in the quarter-finals. Full Article
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