Reda Elazouar has joined the ensemble of the Apple Original Films sequel to The Family Plan, produced by Mark Wahlberg and directed by Simon Cellan Jones, alongside Michelle Monaghan, Kit Harington, Zoe Colletti, and Van Crosby. Elazouar’s role is currently undisclosed. Written by David Coggeshall, the sequel follows Dan as he plans a Christmas vacation for the Morgans in Europe, with Skydance Media producing and Wahlberg and Levinson as producers through Municipal Pictures, with Cellan Jones as exec producer. Elazouar, known for his roles in Pirates and Netflix’s Sex Education, is represented by The Artists Partnership.
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‘Below Deck Down Under’ Star Reveals Cancer Diagnosis
Captain Jason Chambers, a fan favorite from Below Deck Down Under, has shared an update on his health after being diagnosed with stage two melanoma, a form of skin cancer. Encouraging caution and sunscreen use, he warns fans to prioritize their health and not repeat his mistakes of sun exposure without protection. Despite his initial resistance to the sun's damaging effects, Captain Jason emphasizes the importance of early detection and balance in sun exposure for...
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