In war-torn Maaret al-Numan, Syria, devastated by years of conflict, residents like Bilal al-Rihani are returning to rebuild their lives and businesses despite the destruction. The town, once bustling with nearly 100,000 people, became a ghost town due to the strategic importance of the M5 highway, leading to fierce battles between various factions. While challenges remain, including the lack of basic services, displaced residents are determined to restore their homes and start anew in the aftermath of the civil war.
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No ‘credible civilian’ purpose for Iran uranium: UK, France, Germany
Britain, France, and Germany have accused Iran of increasing its stockpile of high enriched uranium to "unprecedented levels" without a valid civilian reason, urging Iran to reverse its nuclear escalation. The International Atomic Energy Agency has reported that Iran now possesses uranium enriched to 60 percent, a significant step towards the 90 percent needed for an atomic bomb. Amid concerns over Iran's nuclear program, the E3 countries are considering reimposing sanctions as part of the...
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