Your support allows The Independent to cover important stories, from reproductive rights to climate change, with journalists on the ground. Your donation helps fund investigative work like exploring Elon Musk’s PAC finances and producing documentaries like ‘The A Word’. Despite a 2-1 win over Brentford, Chelsea’s head coach Enzo Maresca believes they are not ready to compete for the Premier League title due to defensive lapses, while player Marc Cucurella received a red card after the game.
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Week 15 recap: Josh Allen's run, RBs cool off and Colts' 'disgusting' trick play | Yahoo Fantasy Forecast
In the Week 15 recap of Yahoo Sports, Josh Allen's impressive run, RBs cooling off, and the Colts' 'disgusting' trick play are discussed. Andy Behrens and Matt Harmon break down the Sunday slate, categorizing games into those they care about the most, those they sort of care about, and those that could have been an email. They provide instant fantasy analysis for the entire Sunday slate, highlighting key matchups and performances with long-term fantasy implications....
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