Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories from reproductive rights to climate change, with a commitment to fact-checking and investigative reporting. Donations help fund on-the-ground journalists to provide balanced coverage for all Americans, without paywalls. In a London derby, Marc Cucurella shone for Chelsea, scoring a crucial goal and showcasing his versatility and tactical intelligence under manager Enzo Maresca, despite receiving a red card after the match.
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Week 15 Care/Don't Care: Without Geno Smith, Seahawks offense (and fantasy football outlook) paints bleak picture
In Week 15, the Packers utilized a balanced offense with Jordan Love throwing deep passes effectively, showcasing a different dimension to their game, while the Seahawks defense struggled against outside corner routes. The Bills displayed their versatility on offense, with a strong rushing attack and effective use of depth backs, leading to a well-rounded performance against the Lions. The Buccaneers delivered a statement win against the Chargers, demonstrating their potential when playing mistake-free football and...
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