Your support enables The Independent to cover crucial stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, providing in-depth investigations and documentaries like ‘The A Word’. Donations allow journalists to report on both sides of the story and keep quality journalism accessible to all Americans. Chelsea’s unbeaten streak in the Women’s Super League was halted by Leicester City in a 1-1 draw, with inspired goalkeeping and a late equalizer preventing the reigning champions from securing their 10th consecutive league victory.
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Fantasy Football: 6 sleeper options if you need to dig deep in Week 15
In Week 15 of Yahoo Sports Fantasy Football, sleeper options include RB Sincere McCormick facing the Falcons, QB Jameis Winston against the Chiefs, TE Zach Ertz playing the Saints, TE Hunter Henry versus the Cardinals, WR Elijah Moore taking on the Chiefs, and TE Stone Smartt against the Buccaneers. McCormick has impressed with a high success rate, Winston has exceeded expectations, Ertz is on a three-game touchdown streak, Henry has seen increased targets, Moore may...
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