Jett Zerk, a teenage racing car driver from Port Lincoln, is set to make his debut at Bathurst’s Mount Panorama at the age of 16, becoming one of the youngest drivers to race there. Despite having to train on a simulator due to the lack of a nearby track, Jett has already achieved success in the South Australian Circuit Excel Racing Association series, winning Rookie of the Year. With his passion for speed and dreams of racing at Bathurst since his go-kart days, Jett is determined to pursue a professional racing career with the support of his father, who has also raced at Bathurst. Jett’s upcoming race at Bathurst is a stepping stone towards his goal of competing in higher classes of racing, and he hopes to secure sponsorship to continue his journey in the sport.
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Man charged for allegedly waving Hezbollah flag during protest
A 36-year-old man in Melbourne has been charged with displaying a banned terrorist symbol for waving a Hezbollah flag during a protest. The rally was part of a national day of action for Gaza and included a small group with Hezbollah flags. The Australian Federal Police have charged multiple individuals for displaying prohibited terrorist symbols, with further charges expected to be laid. Full Article
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