Your support for The Independent helps fund their investigative journalism on topics like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech. With a commitment to providing quality news accessible to all, your donation ensures reporters can continue covering critical stories. Tyson Fury’s promoter acknowledges his fighter’s missed opportunity to exploit Oleksandr Usyk’s weakness in their previous match, setting the stage for their upcoming rematch in Riyadh.
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MotoGP to return to Brazil from 2026 in five-year deal
In 2026, MotoGP will return to Brazil after more than two decades, with Goiania's Ayrton Senna circuit hosting the event until at least 2030. This marks a significant comeback for the country, which last hosted the championship in Rio de Janeiro from 1995 to 2004. MotoGP aims to expand its audience in South America, with Brazil being identified as a key market for growth. Full Article
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