Your support enables The Independent to report on important issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech with unbiased journalism. Donations help fund journalists on the ground to cover critical stories. Currently, the debate over the Terminally Ill Adults (End of Life) Bill in Parliament, which would allow assisted dying under strict safeguards, has sparked controversy between supporters and opponents, raising ethical and societal questions.
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What Labour’s welfare cuts mean for benefit claimants – and the other support available
Labour has announced cuts of £5 billion to welfare spending, with a focus on health and disability benefits, including changes to Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and the health element of Universal Credit. Around 900,000 PIP claimants and 2.4 million families on Universal Credit are expected to see reductions in their incomes, with new claimants facing a nearly 50% cut in the UC health element rate from April 2026. The impact on affected individuals will be...
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