Your support enables The Independent to report on developing stories, from reproductive rights to climate change to Big Tech, with a focus on facts over messaging. Donations help send journalists to cover critical moments in US history, providing trusted reporting accessible to all. Bank of England’s warning on post-Brexit trade relations prompts calls for a reset with the EU, as concerns mount over economic impact and the need for substantive details to maintain momentum. Keir Starmer faces pressure to clarify his plans for a closer cooperation with the EU, amidst criticism of vague ambitions and the rejection of certain offers.
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Mapped: Britain’s twenty happiest places to live
A new survey of the UK's happiest places to live, completed by over 35,000 residents, revealed Woodbridge in Suffolk as the top spot for the first time, scoring high in community spirit and access to essential services. Richmond upon Thames and Hexham followed as second and third respectively, with Mayor Robin Sanders attributing Woodbridge's happiness to its vibrant town center. Full Article
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