A special team has been formed by Tamil Nadu Police to arrest the six accused individuals involved in the assault on a 17-year-old Dalit teenager in Melapattam village, Tirunelveli district. The victim sustained severe injuries after being attacked with a beer bottle and sickle, sparking protests from Dalit residents demanding justice. The incident has highlighted the ongoing issue of caste-related violence in the southern region, prompting heightened security measures and warnings from state intelligence to prevent further unrest.
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Man attempts to shoot SAD’s Sukhbir Badal outside Golden Temple, caught by security
A man attempted to fire at Shiromani Akali Dal chief Sukhbir Singh Badal outside the Golden Temple in Amritsar on Wednesday, but the bullet hit a wall, and Badal escaped unhurt. The attacker, Narain Singh, was overpowered by bystanders, and Badal had been serving a religious punishment outside the Golden Temple when the incident occurred. This is a developing story, and further details are expected to emerge. Full Article
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