On the fifth of November, we commemorate the Gunpowder Plot of 1605, when Catholic conspirators planned to blow up the House of Lords to overthrow King James I. The thwarted act of terror is remembered annually with the burning of an effigy of Guy Fawkes, the plot’s mastermind, in a ritualistic display of triumph accompanied by fireworks and festive treats. This event serves as a reminder of the consequences of such treasonous actions and the ongoing significance of historical events in shaping modern traditions.
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Wolves set to appoint experienced new manager after Gary O’Neil sacking
Your support enables The Independent to report on crucial issues like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, with a commitment to uncovering the facts behind the stories. Donations help fund journalists to cover all sides of the story, ensuring quality journalism remains accessible to all Americans without paywalls. Wolves are set to appoint Vitor Pereira as their new head coach, replacing Gary O'Neil after a 2-1 defeat to Ipswich, with an official announcement expected...
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