Former prime minister Liz Truss has expressed concerns about the upcoming Labour Government budget, predicting that it will bring more economic hardship to Britain with rising taxes. Truss, who faced criticism for her own failed mini-Budget in 2022, warned that the government’s plans will lead to businesses struggling and industries collapsing. Despite her past mistakes, Truss continues to criticize Labour’s fiscal policies, emphasizing the potential negative impact on the economy.
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Marc Cucurella masters ‘three positions’ to inspire Chelsea’s title charge
Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories from reproductive rights to climate change, with a commitment to fact-checking and investigative reporting. Donations help fund on-the-ground journalists to provide balanced coverage for all Americans, without paywalls. In a London derby, Marc Cucurella shone for Chelsea, scoring a crucial goal and showcasing his versatility and tactical intelligence under manager Enzo Maresca, despite receiving a red card after the match. Full Article
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