In a heartwarming video, a pit bull mix named McFlurry thanks his new family moments after they completed his adoption paperwork, bringing viewers to tears. McFlurry had been homeless for over two years before spending three months in an animal shelter. His background was mostly unknown, but he was found abandoned near a reserve and was later seen wandering with a small female dog.
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CNN presidential historian claims Trump fulfilled 'promise to be a dictator on day one' with executive orders
CNN historian Timothy Naftali criticized President Trump for announcing a record number of executive orders and inviting conservative leaders to his inauguration, suggesting that Trump's actions indicate a move towards imperialism. Naftali highlighted Trump's rhetoric about acquiring new territory and regaining control over the Panama Canal as signals to the far-right internationally. He warned that if Trump follows through with this rhetoric, the U.S. will become an imperialist nation, no longer seen as indispensable on...
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