Babysitter pleads guilty to manslaughter for death of man she injured as a baby in 1984. The man, who was left with severe brain damage after being shaken by the babysitter as an infant, passed away in 2019 due to complications from his injuries. The babysitter’s guilty plea acknowledges her responsibility for his death, bringing closure to a tragic case spanning over three decades.
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2 Mass. women rescued from ‘chest-deep snow’ on Mt. Washington
Two Massachusetts women were rescued from Mount Washington after becoming stranded in whiteout conditions and chest-deep snow, prompting a team of rescuers to reach them through GPS navigation in challenging weather conditions. Despite suffering from cold weather injuries, the women were found alive and coherent, thanks to their preparedness with the correct gear and winter hiking experience. The rescue operation was successful, with one hiker transported to the hospital for further evaluation and treatment, highlighting...
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