Zoë Kravitz and fiancé Channing Tatum recently made their red carpet debut at the premiere of ‘Blink Twice,’ marking their first public appearance as a couple. The pair looked stunning as they posed for photos, confirming their relationship and setting tongues wagging in the entertainment industry. Fans and media outlets alike are buzzing with excitement over this high-profile debut, eagerly anticipating what the future holds for this newly revealed celebrity couple.
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Biden says he's been carrying out ‘most aggressive climate agenda’ in history as he designates CA monuments
President Joe Biden announced a one-time payment of $770 to each California resident affected by wildfires. During his last week in office, Biden signed proclamations establishing the Chuckwalla National Monument and the Sáttítla Highlands National Monument, protecting hundreds of thousands of acres of land in California. The Chuckwalla National Monument will safeguard over 600,000 acres in the California desert, while the Sáttítla Highlands National Monument will protect more than 224,000 acres in Northern California. Full...
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