In the reality TV show Sister Wives, Robyn Brown has been sized up as Kody’s mistress by some family members. Despite being legally married to Kody, Robyn is often treated as the favorite wife, causing tension among the other sister wives. The dynamics of their relationship have been a central focus of the show, leaving viewers questioning the true nature of Robyn’s role within the family.
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Christina Applegate Missed MS Symptoms Filming for Netflix
Christina Applegate disclosed her Multiple Sclerosis (MS) diagnosis in 2021, using her platform to raise awareness about the disease. Despite missing warning signs while filming the Netflix series "Dead To Me," she continued working through the third season before receiving her diagnosis. Applegate praised the show's creator, Liz Feldman, and crew for their support and understanding, emphasizing the importance of prioritizing health over work commitments. Full Article
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