Solo travel offers independence and self-discovery benefits, but often comes at a higher cost compared to travelling as a pair. Popular among Gen Z and Millennials, solo travel is on the rise, with solo travellers being charged up to 87% more than those holidaying as a pair due to single supplements. While some find ways to cut costs, such as travelling in shoulder seasons or staying in hostels, the ‘singles tax’ can still be a deterrent for some solo travellers, leading them to opt out of booking trips altogether.
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Judge pauses Trump administration plans to end temporary legal protections for Venezuelans
Your support helps The Independent cover important stories on reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, providing factual reporting and in-depth analysis. Your donations enable journalists to report on critical issues from both perspectives, ensuring quality journalism is accessible to all. In related news, a federal judge has temporarily halted the Trump administration's plan to end legal protections for hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans, citing potential harm to individuals, economic activity, and public health. Full...
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