Tasha Black documents the rebuilding efforts in the war-torn village of Partyzanske, where residents like Liubov and her sister Valentyna are determined to restore their homes despite the devastation caused by the Russo-Ukrainian war. With materials donated by ReliefAid, they work tirelessly to repair the damage and create a sense of normalcy in a community ravaged by conflict. The resilience and perseverance of the villagers in the face of adversity shines through as they strive to rebuild their lives amidst the ruins of their once-thriving village.
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Efforts to protect takahē at Queenstown site stepped up after stoats linked to four deaths
DOC has increased trapping at a wild takahē site in Greenstone Valley near Queenstown due to recent stoat predation resulting in four takahē deaths. Despite the challenges, efforts to establish new wild populations continue, with a population of 20 to 30 takahē thriving in the Greenstone Valley for over 18 months. Ngāi Tahu and DOC are committed to protecting takahē and finding new habitats, highlighting the need for predator control and ongoing conservation efforts to...
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