In the latest round of MLB franchise rankings, the scoring system covers the past 25 years, with points awarded for various postseason achievements and docked for consecutive seasons of 90 losses. The Pirates and Orioles rank low due to limited playoff appearances and prolonged losing streaks, while the Reds and Mariners face challenges but show potential for improvement. The Rockies’ 2007 World Series appearance gives them a slight edge over the Mariners in the rankings.
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Commonwealth Games Scotland pays tribute to Dick McTaggart after death aged 89
Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories like reproductive rights, climate change, and Big Tech, ensuring accurate reporting and in-depth investigations. Donations help fund journalists on the ground, providing balanced coverage across the political spectrum without paywalls. The passing of Olympic boxing champion Dick McTaggart at 89 has led to tributes for his remarkable career, including winning a gold medal at the 1956 Olympics, three Olympic appearances, Commonwealth Games success, and induction into...
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