The Centre has dispatched 20 companies of CAPFs to Manipur to address fresh violence, with 15 CRPF companies from Assam and five BSF companies from Tripura deployed. A 24-hour shutdown by 13 CSOs paralyzed life in Manipur, following an attack on a truck transporting onions on the Jiribam-Imphal highway. Tensions escalated as civilians and militants were killed, leading to a boycott of supplies by the Rongmei Naga community and ongoing unrest in the region.
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Indian Coast Guard poised to achieve its target force levels of 200 surface platforms and 100 aircraft by 2030
The Indian Coast Guard plans to increase its fleet to 200 surface platforms and 100 aircraft by 2030, with a strong focus on maritime safety and saving lives, having rescued over 11,730 individuals. They are bolstering their capabilities through the acquisition of new helicopters, patrol vessels, and advanced technologies, reaffirming their dedication to India's maritime security and environmental conservation. Full Article
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