U.S. B-2 stealth bombers conducted airstrikes in Yemen targeting Houthi rebels’ underground bunkers, with the extent of damage unclear. The rare use of the B-2 Spirit was a warning to Iran, the rebels’ main supporter, following attacks on Israel. The strikes aimed at five weapons storage locations in Houthi-controlled areas to demonstrate the U.S.’ ability to target fortified facilities.
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Gregor Townsend confident Scotland can cope with loss of skipper Sione Tuipulotu
Your support enables The Independent to cover important stories like reproductive rights and climate change, with a commitment to unbiased reporting. With your donation, journalists can continue to provide in-depth coverage from the field. Despite the loss of Sione Tuipulotu to injury for the Six Nations, Scotland's depth and resilience are being tested as they prepare for the tournament with new leaders and strategies in place. Full Article
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